Thursday, September 3, 2020
Critical review of John Mearsheimer's The Tragedy of Great Power Essay
Basic audit of John Mearsheimer's The Tragedy of Great Power - Essay Example Outline: Mearsheimer began the book with an attention in all out attack mode practical hypothesis that in a general sense underscores that the worldwide political situation is extensively anarchic. Various countries have built up a dread against each other in their race of intensity and self-governance. Mearsheimer declares that all nations are fundamentally endeavoring hard to turn into a hegemon for the straightforward explanation that they feel this would make them secure. All the national and global exercises of states spin around one strong point for example to accomplish increasingly more control and control over the world and its assets when contrasted with others in the opposition. All nations are remembered for the opposition of security. Military abilities of a country assume a definitive job in deciding its capacity, status and worldwide picture. On the off chance that a country needs to upgrade its quality, one thing that it needs to concentrate on and improve is its mili tary. The military empowers a country to win fights. Land power is basic so as to achieve every single other type of intensity. Idle force that covers the monetary quality, financial solidness, populace, education rate and high acumen is auxiliary to the real force, however the previous is critical to produce the last mentioned. There are a few countries that are right now furnished with atomic force, yet not many to none of them really plan to ever utilize that power. Their hesitance towards the utilization of their atomic force is an away from of the way that land power is without a doubt, the major indication of intensity. Truth be told, a similar reluctance towards utilizing atomic force showed by the atomic forces of the contemporary age is in itself a reason for security among singular countries. Hostile authenticity on a very basic level rotates around the origination that incredible forces will in general post for opportunities to overwhelm their foes and their definitive ob jective is authority. This is inverse to the philosophy of protective authenticity that urges the states to take fundamental measures in order to guarantee their wellbeing and security. In such a philosophy, a definitive theme isn't power, and subsequently the worldwide relations are not as inclined to clashes as they are on account of hostile authenticity. Mearsheimer accepts that no state is inherently pompous or forceful. To be sure, animosity is a falsely obtained trademark that is esteemed critical to make due in a questionable worldwide condition, adjusting power conveyance and deficient military help. Mearsheimer has not quite recently offered expressions about hostile authenticity, he has really tried and supported it in his book. So as to approve the hostile authenticity, Mearsheimer has stressed that so as to get by through the time as a country, it is basic that individuals pick pioneers since they battle to make a country solid and amazing. He has affirmed his own case w ith clear accentuation on cases from the history. Mearsheimer has accomplished this by examining matters concerning a few inquiries. He has checked if there was an immediate connection between a nationââ¬â¢s force and hostility in its worldwide associations. He has made a decision about the components that decide a nationââ¬â¢s reaction to the hostility it is offered by outer offices. He has likewise considered the variety in the usefulness and propensity of bipolar and multipolar
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Clazapine Vs Haloperidol Essay Research Paper Schizophrenia free essay sample
Clazapine Vs Haloperidol Essay, Research Paper Schizophrenia is a gathering of maniacal surprises portrayed by significant annoyances in thought, feeling, and conduct ; cluttered idea in which considerations are non legitimately related ; deficient perceptual experience and going to ; flighty irritations in engine movement ; level or wrong feelings ; and diminished resistance for accentuation in relational dealingss. The patient pulls back from individuals and world, much of the time into a dream life of insane convictions and mental trips ( Davidson, Neale 2001 ) . There are a figure of various mediations for schizophrenic issue the most seasoned being warehousing of patients in mental hospitals in the mid twentieth century where trials like prefrontal leukotomies were being performed. This is a medical procedure where the bit of grounds connecting the frontal projections of the encephalon to bring down focuses of the encephalon are expelled. Starting investigations guaranteed high paces of accomplishment, and for 20 mature ages thereupon 1000s of patients experienced this procedure. In the late 1950 s this intervention fell into contrast after numerous patients got dull and drowsy and endured many loses in their intellectual limits, which is non astonishing given the pulverization of parts of the encephalon accepted liable for thought. There is other than psychodynamic treatments were the patient is required to larn adult signifiers of conveying and to achieve entrance into the capacity the days gone by has played in current employments. Social achievement readiness is other than another intercession for patients with schizophrenic issue. The readiness is intended to learn individuals with schizophrenia practices that can help them win in an expansive combination of relational condition of affairss. There is other than sedate treatment that without request is the majority of import improvement in the mediation of schizophrenic issue ( Davison, Neale2001 ) , and this is the thing that my paper is about. Clozapine and Haloperidol are the two medications utilized in the mediation of schizophrenic issue. Ongoing surveies show that Clozapine has less symptoms and preferable outcomes over Haloperidol in the intercession of schizophrenic issue in the nations of sexual guide in schizophrenic guys and females, adolescence beginning schizophrenic issue, locomotor reactions, and patient mediation. Covington and Cola directed a review on Clozapine versus Haloperidol: Antipsychotic consequences for sexual maps in schizophrenic issue. They thought about the impacts of Clozapine and Haloperidol on the sexual guide of male and female patients with schizophrenic issue. Before the review they revealed that there was no significant distinction between sexual movement of guys and females preceding being determined to have schizophrenic issue. The results demonstrated that following a half year of intercession the Clozapine rewarded bunch indicated more noteworthy improvement in sexual contribution and action than Clozapine rewarded females and Haloperidol rewarded guys and females ( Covington, Cola, 2000 ) . In this overview Clozapine out performed Haloperidol females each piece great as guys. In another study the National Institute of Mental Health, and Child Psychiatry Branch contemplated Childhood-beginning schizophrenic issue: A twofold visually impaired Clozapine-Haloperidol looking at. They inspected the viability and foreboding impacts of Clozapine and Haloperidol for children and youngsters with beginning stage schizophrenic issue. Clozapine was demonstrated to be better than Haloperidol on all means of psychosis ( Kumra, etal. 1997 ) . ( Kumra, etal. 1997 ) presumed that Clozapine has sensational high caliber for positive and negative side effects in treatment-hard-headed youth beginning schizophrenic issue. The VA Connecticut medicinal services System looked to put benchmark forecasters of differential reaction to Clozapine versus Haloperidol in 423 hospitalized patients with difficult schizophrenic issue. In the year test, patients with higher degrees of side effects had more noteworthy indication diminishes at year and more noteworthy advancement of personal satisfaction ( Rosenheck, etal. 1998 ) . Albeit high degrees of manifestations were related with more prominent advancement on Clozapine, these discoveries are non hearty bounty to suggest that a particular, clinically characterized subgroup of heater lining patients ought to be specially focused for Clozapine mediation ( Rosenheck, etal. 1998 ) . Despite the fact that there wasn T a significant distinction in the aftereffects of the mediation of both Clozapine and Haloperidol, Clozapine kept on executing better in this study. The impacts of Kainic Acid injuries on locomotor reactions to Haloperidol and Clozapine were concentrated by the Washington University, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry. They analyzed whether Kainic corrosive sores modify the suppressive impacts of the antipsychotic medications, Haloperidol and Clozapine, on self-created and amphetamine-inspired locomotor conduct. ( Bardgett, etal. 1998 ) spontan eous locomotor movement and hyperactivity evoked by pep pill were more prominent in lesioned vivify creatures than controls. In add-on, the level of self-created action or potentially amphetamine-inspired hyperlocomotion saw in lesioned rodents after Haloperidol intercession was more noteworthy than that found in controls. Locomotor reactions to moo and seat portions of Clozapine were comparative in lesioned and control rodents, in spite of the fact that lesioned rodents were more dynamic than controls following the removal of a high dose of Clozapine. ( Bardgett, etal 1998 ) the data gathered demonstrated that the hyperactivity related with Kainic corrosive injuries might be uncaring toward inversion by Haloperidol, yet unambiguously touchy to concealment by Clozapine. Medicine duration and congruity: A contrasting of patients rewarded and Clozapine and Haloperidol was led by the VA Connecticut Health Care System. This study contrasts medication duration and similarity and the untypical antipsychotic Clozapine versus Haloperidol. The data gathered was from a 15-site twofold visually impaired, randomized clinical test where military veterans with treatment-safe schizophrenic issue doled out to Clozapine or Haloperidol in footings of continuation of commitment and the piece of recommended pills that were taken. The relationship of benchmark highlights and steps of clinical adjustment to duration for the full example and for subjects alloted to each medication was resolved. Subjects appointed to Clozapine kept taking the overview sedate for a mean of 35.5 hebdomads as contrasted and just 27.2 hebdomads among points allocated to Haloperidol. ( Rosenheck, etal 2000 ) Stated among themes doled out to Haloperidol, more unfortunate continuation was related with being more established and more prominent duration with having open help. Among themes on Clozapine mediation, continuation was less fortunate among African Americans and more prominent among points who indicated decreased side effects and akathisia. Duration with medication is more noteworthy with Clozapine than Haloperidol. The looking at of Clozapine versus Haloperidol is identified with Abnormal Psychology since this class centers around Abnormal Behavior it s causes and mediations. Schizophrenia is an extremely unnatural and a genuine ailment. Schizophrenia influences numerous Americans and there is no known solution for schizophrenic issue. Anyway intercession to stamp down the indications related with schizophrenic issue are accessible. Not simply are Clozapine and Haloperidol identified with this class any medication or medication used to deal with unnatural surprises are identified with this class. I feel that Clozapine is a superior endorsed medication for the mediation of schizophrenic issue. In this paper there are a few distinctive surveies that spread a few unique nations in the exploration of the two medications. The two medications were tried and Clozapine out performed Haloperidol in each occasion. ( Rosenheck, etal. 2000 ) Continuance with medication is more prominent with Clozapine than Haloperidol. ( Bardgett, etal 1998 ) These informations demonstrate that the hyperactivity related with Kainic corrosive injuries might be unfeeling toward inversion by Haloperidol, yet unambiguously touchy to concealment by Clozapine. ( Covington, Cola 2000 ) Clozapine rewarded guys kept up more prominent contribution and movement than Clozapine rewarded females and Haloperidol rewarded guys and females. ( Kumra, etal. 1997 ) The essayists presumed that Clozapine has an emotional high caliber for positive and negative side effects in treatment-stubborn youth beginning schizophrenic is sue. ( Rosenheck, etal. 1998 ) Although high degrees of indications were related with more noteworthy advancement on Clozapine, these discoveries are non powerful bounty to recommend that a particular, clinically characterized subgroup of heater lining patients ought to be specially focused for Clozapine intercession. In the study on personal satisfaction there wasn T a significant contrast in the two medications, however in all accounts of the different surveies Clozapine out performed Haloperidol, accordingly turn trip that Clozapine is the better medication. Before I started exploring this paper I had no idea what either sedate was, nor did I have a feeling on which medication was better. Presently I have a short dread of the two medications and some positive and negative impacts of both. Clozapine showed improvement over Haloperidol in each situation from bettering personal satisfaction in certain patients, which I believe, is the greater part of import feature in any intercession, to bettering sexual guide in schizophrenic patients. Indeed, even in the review on continuation of use led by the VA Connecticut Health Care System patients kept on taking Clozapine 8 + hebdomads longer than patients taking Haloperidol did. In the event that I were a head-shrinker taking care of a patient who was schizophrenic I would arrange Clozapine instead of Haloperidol as a medication intercession for their ailment.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Shylock Victim or Villian Essay Example For Students
Shylock Victim or Villian Essay January 21, 1994 Shylock-Victim or VillainIn 1594 the Earl of Essex, an English Nobleman who lived during the Elizabethan time frame in England, was effectively engaged with the abuse and preliminaries of Roderigo Lopez. Lopez was a Jew of Portuguese plummet, who was wrongly blamed for endeavoring to harm the Queen of England, for reasons never completely clarified. Lopez, being the Queens illustrious doctor, was in no situation to safeguard himself once he was blamed. Essex, who gave the proof likewise directed the preliminary of Lopez, leaving Lopez minimal possibility of endurance. The guiltless Jew was hanged, drawn, and quartered in Tyburn, England for all to observe. The account of Roderigo Lopez is like the narrative of Shylock, in spite of the fact that, Palmer discloses to us It isn't proposed that Shakespeare in depicting Shylock, had any political or social goals ( 112-13). The two Jews were set in time where hostile to Semitism was in style (Palmer 113), and both tossed i nto court where they would be attempted unjustifiably. The tale of Roderigo Lopez establishes the pace for The Merchant of Venice. Lopez occurrence happened in 1594, The Merchant of Venice was composed just two years after the fact. Against Semitism was predominant during Shakespeares time, and along these lines we should comprehend that it was as simple for him to make a Jewish man the scalawag as it would be for us to make a Nazi the lowlife. As per Sylvan Barnet The Merchant of Venice shows the expansive diagram of a parody (not simply a play with quips, yet a play that closes cheerfully). . . the lowlife in the parody must be altogether abhorrent, or, rather, humorously terrible; he can't for a second addition the crowds compassion (1). Shylock has regularly been depicted as the miscreant in The Merchant of Venice. From being more worried about his ducats as opposed to his little girl, to requesting his pound of substance, Shylock fits consummately into the form of the miscreant . Notwithstanding, concerning Barnets remark he can't for a second increase the crowds compassion (1), Shylock violates the limits of his abhorrent character. The crowd can't and would not have pull for Shylock during Shakespeares lifetime, yet, presently we do. Shylock is only a casualty of hostile to Semitism. Albeit successful in his bond, Shylock was assaulted of his territories, his confidence and his pride. Shylock not the essentially the miscreant, rather the person in question. Shakespeare takes as much time as necessary before presenting Shylock, in any case, when he does, he shows us a respectable agent. Bassanio May you stead me? Will you joy me?Shall I know your answer?Shylock Three thousand ducats for three monthsand Antonio bound. Bassanio Your response to that. Shylock Antonio is a decent man. Bassanio Have you heard any ascription to the contrary?Shylock Ho no, no, no, nomy importance in sayinghe is a decent man, is to have you comprehend me that heis adequate. However his methods are in assumption : he hathan argosy bound to Tripolis, another to the Indies;I see in addition upon the Rialto he hath a thirdat Mexico, a fourth for England, and different endeavors he hath wasted abroad. Be that as it may, ships are however boards,sailors yet menthere be land-rodents and water-rats,land-hoodlums and water-thievesI mean privateers and afterward there is hazard of waters, winds, and shakes. Theman is, regardless, adequate. 3,000 ducatsI figure I may take his bond (I. iii. 7-26.). Through this whole trade Shylock says that Antonio is monetarily fit. Shylock realizes that Antonio is useful for the 3,000 ducats. At that point, as any great specialist would do, he thinks about how Antonio, a dealer, has the entirety of his boats adrift. He discusses the threats of ocean and how Antonio may not recover the entirety of his boats, assuming this is the case, he won't have the cash. It is here that we start to get a brief look at Shylocks evilness. The man is, not withstanding, adequate. 3,000 ducatsI figure I may take his bond (I. I. 25-26.). Shylock understands his chance, he can benefit from this endeavor. Shakespeare starts to make his miscreant, we must choose the option to loathe this man.Shakespeare keeps on building his lowlife by giving Shylock an aside wherein he uncovers his contempt for Antonio, on the grounds that he is a Christian and he loans cash
Grade 8- Coursework Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Evaluation 8-Coursework Questions - Assignment Example What's more, the Catholic Church presented transubstantiation which depicted the changing of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ that happens at mass during the sanctification through the expression of the clerics. The choice acquired rational soundness the congregation in that individuals rehearsed how to be heavenly. Examination had the position to force fines, detain individuals, and sentence unrepentant blasphemers to death. This debilitated individuals from lecturing bogus precepts since they dreaded fines and detainment. Thus, blasphemy diminished. The Spanish probe was horrible in that it went past finding and rebuffing individuals associated with blasphemy. The Spanish specialists focused on Muslims and Jewish believers to Christianity, blaming them for furtively rehearsing their previous religion. Then again, the other investigation just centered around finding and rebuffing apostates not changes over of different religions. They committed themselves to following Jesus greeting to sell such you groups and offer it to poor people. They saw the social jobs of the Christian confidence as a critical piece of humanityââ¬â¢s organization with God. Oppression is ethically off-base since God didn't engage individual to end an existence of someone else. Regardless of whether an individual has wronged society or church, they have no capacity to mistreat the person in question since they reserve the privilege to live and no one but God can pass judgment
Friday, August 21, 2020
Arterial Blood Gas
Side effects of Arterial Blood Gas: ABG is requested as a way to assess or control the patient's breath and metabolic corrosive/base equalization. This test assesses the pH of the patient's blood and is utilized as a marker of explicit reasons for acidosis or alkalosis. ABG is additionally used to gauge the sufficiency of corrosive/base parity treatment. ABG can likewise be utilized to gauge oxygenation immersion. Sorts of tests and testing strategy: ABG is normally gotten by taking blood vessel blood. On the off chance that OHS is suspected, different tests are important for affirmation. The most significant introductory test is to demonstrate the expansion in the measure of carbon dioxide in the blood. This requires blood vessel blood gas estimations, including the assortment of blood tests from the veins, generally the outspread supply routes. Given that this test can be confounded for every patient with rest related breathing issues, estimating the degree of bicarbonate in typical (vein) blood is a sensible I trust it will be a screening test. When rising (more than 27 mmol/l), it is important to quantify blood gas The blood vessel blood gas (ABG) test estimates acridity (pH) and oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in blood vessel blood. This test is utilized to learn the degree to which lungs siphon oxygen into the circulation system and expel carbon dioxide from the blood. At the point when blood goes through the lungs, oxygen enters the circulatory system and carbon dioxide streams from the blood into the lungs. The ABG test utilizes blood taken from corridors that can gauge oxygen and carbon dioxide levels before entering body tissues. Dr. Ori can do this test or prepared individual (Timby, 2009). Mr. J's blood test was sent to microbiology for testing, so it was valuable for analysis and brought up the degree of her impact on her sickness. ABG gives interdisciplinary group data on oxygenation of the patient, sufficiency of ventilation, corrosive base level. Skinner (2005) and Adam (2009) concur that blood vessel blood gas examination is a significant piece of patient's ventilation treatment and its corrosive base equalization finding and the board. Skinner keeps on saying that the helpfulness of this mediation relies upon the capacity of clinical experts to break down and decipher all parts of gas. Nettina (2005) portrays a test methodology called Allen, a test for assessing a cut site before cut. This assesses the flow in the hand and whether it is proper to utilize the outspread corridor for cut. The spot is cleaned with liquor, the unfavorably susceptible condition lessens distress and permits the utilization of sedative to expand the odds of achievement
Monday, August 3, 2020
Academic Writing vs Professional Writing
Academic Writing vs Professional Writing The Difference Between Academic Writing and Professional Writing The Difference Between Academic Writing and Professional Writing Academic writing and professional writing are extremely different, and you will likely encounter both of these styles at different points in your life. While you are in university, academic writing will take up most of your assignments. However, when it comes time to graduate, you may find itâs time to sharpen those professional writing skills. If youâre taking business courses, itâs also likely that youâve already encountered these different techniques. So what exactly sets these two styles apart? Weâre ready to help you distinguish between the two and maximize your full potential every step of your journey. You Have Different Goals in Academic Writing vs. Professional Writing One of the biggest differences is that academic writing is done mostly to showcase your research and expertise in a specific area or topic of interest, while professional writing is often done to influence or convince someone of something. Usually, you would write a professional document in a business setting to project an idea to colleagues or propose a project. Different People Are Listening Your audience is typically different in both of these situations. Academic writing is done for academia: professors, fellow students, researchers, and industry experts such as scientists or historians. Professional writing is targeted to colleagues, businesspeople, managers, and sometimes clients. Tone of Voice Can Change Professional documents can be written in a different tone than academic works because you have a little more wiggle room to present your ideas. For example, most academic papers are written in third person narrative, while professional writing can sometimes be written in first person depending on the specific situation or context. Active and Passive Voice Your academic paper will often be written for someone who has more time on their hands to go through and read your arguments. Therefore, your sentences can be longer and use passive voice for these documents. However, for most professional documents, your audience likely has many other reports or papers to read and will skim through for the main points. This means that your sentences should be shorter, more to the point, and in the active voice. Get Help With Any Writing Style Whether you need help with academic writing or professional writing, we have a team thatâs ready to jump in and give you the support you need. All of our writers are highly experienced with years of practice getting the right techniques down to help you ace all of your classes and assignments. Get a quote now to stay ahead of the game on all of your papers and documents. References: Taylor, P. (2015). Differences between academic and professional/business writing. LinkedIn. Retrieved from . Academic Writing vs Professional Writing The Difference Between Academic Writing and Professional Writing The Difference Between Academic Writing and Professional Writing Academic writing and professional writing are extremely different, and you will likely encounter both of these styles at different points in your life. While you are in university, academic writing will take up most of your assignments. However, when it comes time to graduate, you may find itâs time to sharpen those professional writing skills. If youâre taking business courses, itâs also likely that youâve already encountered these different techniques. So what exactly sets these two styles apart? Weâre ready to help you distinguish between the two and maximize your full potential every step of your journey. You Have Different Goals in Academic Writing vs. Professional Writing One of the biggest differences is that academic writing is done mostly to showcase your research and expertise in a specific area or topic of interest, while professional writing is often done to influence or convince someone of something. Usually, you would write a professional document in a business setting to project an idea to colleagues or propose a project. Different People Are Listening Your audience is typically different in both of these situations. Academic writing is done for academia: professors, fellow students, researchers, and industry experts such as scientists or historians. Professional writing is targeted to colleagues, businesspeople, managers, and sometimes clients. Tone of Voice Can Change Professional documents can be written in a different tone than academic works because you have a little more wiggle room to present your ideas. For example, most academic papers are written in third person narrative, while professional writing can sometimes be written in first person depending on the specific situation or context. Active and Passive Voice Your academic paper will often be written for someone who has more time on their hands to go through and read your arguments. Therefore, your sentences can be longer and use passive voice for these documents. However, for most professional documents, your audience likely has many other reports or papers to read and will skim through for the main points. This means that your sentences should be shorter, more to the point, and in the active voice. Get Help With Any Writing Style Whether you need help with academic writing or professional writing, we have a team thatâs ready to jump in and give you the support you need. All of our writers are highly experienced with years of practice getting the right techniques down to help you ace all of your classes and assignments. Get a quote now to stay ahead of the game on all of your papers and documents. References: Taylor, P. (2015). Differences between academic and professional/business writing. LinkedIn. Retrieved from .
Monday, June 22, 2020
Research How Culture Influences Politics In South Africa - 1650 Words
Research How Culture Influences Politics In South Africa (Term Paper Sample) Content: Politics and Culture in South Africa NameInstitutionDate Introduction South Africa is a country with diverse multicultural diversity. Archbishop Desmond Tutu branded the country the Rainbow nation due to the diverse cultures. Its colonial history also contributed to its ethnic composition with a large number of Afrikaans and English speaking whites, Indians and majority black Africans. The white population is mainly made of the Dutch, Germans, French Huguenots, Portuguese and English settlers who are descendants of the colonial settlers. The Indian population descended from the Indians who were brought to South Africa as slaves from India and Indonesia as slaves. The black who are the majority are natives born in South Africa. The black population is diverse and belongs to a variety of ethnic of ethnic groups. The South African populatio...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
State-by-State Listing of Vital Records Available Online
Search indexed vital records online or browse actual digitized images of certificates of birth, death and marriage online. This listing directs you to vital records online for the United States, organized by state. The majority of these online vital records can be accessed for free. Those that require a fee to search or view are clearly indicated. Alabama Alabama Death Records, 1908-1974 FreeA free name index to death certificates from the state of Alabama. Extracted information includes (where available) full birth and death date, place of birth and death, parents names, spouses name and occupation. Arizona Arizona Genealogy Birth and Death Certificates, 1844-1964à FreeSearch public birth certificates (1855-1933) and public death certificates (1844-1958) from the state of Arizona. This free vital records resource from Arizona Department of Health Services includes PDF images of the actual certificates.Western States Marriage Records Index FreeThis growing database includes names and other information extracted from mostly pre-1900 marriage records in several western states, including quite a few from Arizona. More recent marriage records (as late as 1950s) are also included for several Arizona counties. California Western States Marriage Records Index FreeThis growing database includes names and other information extracted from mostly pre-1900 marriage records in several western states, including California - most notably the counties of Kern, Santa Barbara and Santa Clara. More recent marriage records are also included for several California counties. Colorado Western States Marriage Records Index FreeThis growing database includes names and other information extracted from 19th and 20th century marriage records in several western states, including a little over 5,000 records from Colorado. The majority of the included Colorado records are from Gilpin and Douglas counties. Delaware Delaware State Birth Records, 1861-1908 FreeSearchable name index and images of Delaware birth records, including delayed birth records, free from FamilySearch. Florida Florida Deaths, 1877-1939 FreeFree name index of Florida death records created by Florida Department of Health and Vital Statistics. Extracted information in this database includes (where available) full birth and death date, place of birth and death, parents names, spouses name, occupation, and date and place of burial. Georgia Georgia Death Records, 1914-1927 FreeThe Georgia State Archives has online digitized copies of death certificates issued by the state of Georgia between 1919 and 1927. There are also a number of certificates from 1914-1918, with the bulk dating from 1917 and 1918. Idaho Idaho Death Certificates, 1911-1937 FreeFree name index to death certificates from the state of Idaho includes most information found on the original certificates including (where available) full birth and death date, place of birth and death, parents names, spouses name, occupation, and date and place of burial. From FamilySearch.Western States Marriage Records Index FreeThis growing database includes names and other information extracted from 19th and 20th century marriage records in several western states, including over 180,000 marriage records from the state of Idaho. Illinois Cook County Birth Certificates, 1878-1922 FreeFamilySearch offers indexes and images of certificates of birth as recorded at Cook County, Illinois - including the City of Chicago. Collection still being digitized and placed online and currently includes only years 1878-1915.Cook County Birth Registers, 1871-1915 FreeName index and images of birth registers as recorded at Cook County, Illinois - including the City of Chicago, online at FamilySearch. Collection currently includes years 1871-1879, 1906-June 1907, and July 1908-1915.Cook County Marriage Records, 1871-1920 FreeSearch or browse name index and images of marriage licenses and returns recorded in Cook County, Illinois, including the City of Chicago, online at FamilySearch.Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900 FreeThe Illinois State Archives and the Illinois State Genealogical Society offer this free searchable index online. Available information includes the full name of both parties, date and county of marriage, and t he Vol. and page number, and/or the license number for the marriage record.Cook County Clerks Office - Birth Certificates, Marriage Licenses and Death Certificates Search is free. Payment required to view digital certificates.The Cook County Clerks Office hosts this pay-per-view Web site to access their birth certificates (75 years or older), marriage licenses (50 years or older) and death certificates (20 years or older). Searches are free. Payment is required to view digital copies of the actual certificates. Covers Cook County and the City of Chicago. Indiana Indiana Marriages, 1911-1959 FreeIndexed in partnership with the Indiana Genealogical Society, this free online name index includes details taken from marriage returns and licenses for the counties of Adams, Blackford, Decatur, Franklin, Henry, Huntington, Owen, Rush, and Sullivan. Kentucky Kentucky Death Certificates and Records, 1852-1953 Paid subscription requiredThis collection includes the Kentucky Death Index 1911-2000, plus digitized Kentucky death certificates from 1911-1953. Earlier death records including mortuary records, registers of death and return of death are also available for many counties.Kentucky Birth Index 1911-1999 Paid subscription requiredAn index to births recorded in the U.S. state of Kentucky between 1911 and 1999, including the following information: name, gender, race, birth date, birthplace, and parents names.Kentucky Marriage Index 1973-1999 FreeAn index to about 2.3 million individuals who were married in Kentucky between 1973 and 1999 from the University of Kentucky. Also included are a Kentucky Death Index 1911-1992 and Kentucky Divorce Index 1973-1993Kentucky Vital Records Project FreeThis free resource includes the statewide Kentucky Death Index, plus approximately 250,000 digitized Kentucky dea th certificates from the twentieth century. Louisiana Louisiana Deaths, 1850-1875; 1894-1954 FreeThis free name index to Louisiana Deaths from FamilySearch includes statewide death records for all parishes for 1911-1954. Earlier death records available only for Jefferson Parish, 1850-1875 and 1905-1921. Maine Maine Marriage Index FreeThe Maine State Archives features this searchable online Marriage Index covering the years 1892 to 1996.Maine Death Index FreeA searchable online Death Index covering the years 1960 to 1996 from the Maine State Archives. Massachusetts Massachusetts Death Records, 1841-1915 FreeA free name index and digitized images of Massachusetts statewide death registers and certificates from FamilySearch.Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910 Requires paid membership to NEHGSA name index and digitized images of Massachusetts statewide birth, death and marriage registers and certificates from the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS). Not all record images yet online, but those that are not can be ordered from NEHGS for a small fee.Massachusetts Vital Records, 1911-1915 Requires paid membership to NEHGSA name index and digitized images of Massachusetts statewide birth, death and marriage registers and certificates from the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS). Births currently completed, marriages complete through 1914 and deaths still to be added in the future. Michigan Michigan Death Records, 1897-1920 FreeThe Seeking Michigan collection from the Library of Michigan features nearly 1 million digital images of death certificates online for free searching and viewing. Use the Search Digital Archive box at the top of this page to search this and other Seeking Michigan collections.Michigan Deaths, 1867-1897 FreeA free name index and digitized images of Michigan statewide death registration entries from FamilySearch.Michigan Births, 1867-1902 FreeA free name index and digitized images of Michigan statewide birth registration entries from FamilySearch.Michigan Marriages, 1867-1902 FreeA free name index and digitized images of marriages recorded in the state of Michigan from FamilySearch. Minnesota Minnesota Death Certificates Index FreeThe Minnesota Historical Society has a great online index to Minnesota death records from death cards from 1904 to 1907 and death certificates from 1908 to 2001.Minnesota Birth Certificates Index FreeA free index to Minnesota birth records from 1900-1934, and selected records from pre-1900 from te Minnesota Historical Society.Minnesota Official Marriage System FreeFree searchable index to marriage certificates from 87 participating Minnesota counties. Most marriage records date back to the 1860s, although some counties have them back to the early 1800s. Index links take you to an easy order form for purchasing a copy of the marriage certificate. Missouri Missouri Death Certificates, 1910-1958 FreeThe Missouri State Archives steps up with this free index and digital images to statewide Missouri death certificates from 1910-1958. New Hampshire New Hampshire Birth Records, Early to 1900 FreeFamilySearch has online a free index and digital images of early New Hampshire birth records to 1900. New Mexico New Mexico Death Records, 1889-1945 FreeFamilySearch has online a free name index to death certificates and records of death from the state of New Mexico. Available information (where provided) includes full name, date and place of birth and death, spouse and/or parents names, occupation and date/place of burial. North Carolina North Carolina Deaths, 1906-1930 FreeFamilySearch features a free name index and digital images of death certificates recorded in the state of North Carolina Ohio Ohio Deaths, 1908-1953 FreeA free name index and digital images of Ohio statewide death certificates from FamilySearch. Pennsylvania Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915 FreeThis free online collection from FamilySearch includes a variety of digitized death records, depending on the time period: death certificates, returns of death, and even undertaker transit permits.Philadelphia Marriage Indexes, 1885-1951 FreeDigital marriage indexes online at FamilySearch are arranged by the names of brides and grooms with the year of marriage and license number. Fully searchable. Rhode Island Rhode Island Births Christenings, 1600ââ¬â1914 FreeA partial name index to birth, baptism, and christening records from Rhode Island, compiled from a variety of sources. offers coverage details, including how many records are included by location and time period.Rhode Island Deaths Burials, 1802ââ¬â1950 FreeA partial name index to death and burial records from the state of Rhode Island. Most of the records extracted in this database of 840,000 names include source information. FamilySearch includes information on coverage details in this article, with details on included records by time period and locality.Rhode Island Marriages, 1724ââ¬â1916 FreeA partial name index to birth, baptism, and christening records from Rhode Island, compiled from a variety of sources. Scroll down in this article on for coverage details, including how many records are included by location and time period. South Carolina South Carolina Deaths, 1915ââ¬â1943FamilySearch hosts this free online collection of digitized S.C. death certificates from the South Carolina Department of Archives and History. Records are arranged by year and alphabetically by locality, and a searchable name index is also available.South Carolina Death Records, 1822ââ¬â1955 Paid subscription requiredThis searchable database plus digital images includes statewide death certificates, 1915-1955; Charleston City death records, 1821-1914; Spartanburg City death records, 1895-1897 and 1903-1914; and Union City death records, 1900 and 1913-1914.South Carolina Delayed Births, 1766ââ¬â1900 Paid subscription requiredThis partial database of delayed South Carolina birth certificates (includes digitized images) contains approximately 25,000 birth returns for the city of Charleston, South Carolina from the years 1877-1901, and approximately 55,000 delayed applications for birth certificates from throughout the state, covering the years 1766-1900. South Dakota South Dakota Birth Records Over 100 Years Old FreeMore than 225,000 South Dakota births are searchable in this free online database of birth records from the South Dakota Department of Health, including many delayed birth certificates issued for people born before statewide registration began in 1905.South Dakota Death Index, 1905ââ¬â1955 Paid subscription requiredThis index to deaths that occurred in South Dakota between 1905 and 1955 contains the death certificate number, name of deceased, county or county code, and date of death. Tennessee Tennessee Death Records, 1914ââ¬â1955 FreeFamilySearch hosts this free searchable database, plus digitized images, of Tennessee death certificates from the beginning of statewide registration in 1914.Tennessee County Marriages, 1790ââ¬â1950 FreeSearch and/or browse images of marriage registers, marriage licenses, marriage bonds, and marriage certificates acquired from local Tennessee county courthouses. This growing collection on FamilySearch is not yet complete -- browse the records to see what is currently available by county. Texas Texas Deaths, 1890ââ¬â1976 FreeAlmost 9 million digitized records are included in this free collection of Texas statewide death certificatesââ¬âincluding delayed certificates, foreign deaths, and probate obituariesââ¬âfrom the Texas Department of State Health Services in Austin, and hosted online by Deaths, 1977ââ¬â1986 FreeImages of Texas statewide death certificates, including delayed certificates, are available online in this free collection, from the Texas Department of State Health Services. For a list of records by dates and localities currently published in this collection, select the browse feature. Utah Utah Death Certificate Index, 1904ââ¬â1961 FreeThe Utah Division of Archives Records Service hosts free downloadable images of Utah death certificates for the period 1904 to 1960; 1961 is also available as browsable images, but not yet indexed.Salt Lake County Death Records, 1908-1949 FreeA free name index and images for Salt Lake County death records from 1908-1949 from FamilySearch. Also included are a few deaths occurring before 1908 where the remains were re-interred between 1908 and 1949.Utah Death Registers, 1847ââ¬â1966 Paid subscription required.This collection of images and index includes deaths that occurred in Utah between 1905 and 1951, Utah death registers for 1898ââ¬â1905 (the dates vary slightly by county, and Grand County includes records for 1961ââ¬â1966), and interment records for Salt Lake City, 1848ââ¬â1933. Vermont Vermont Vital Records, 1760ââ¬â1954 FreeName index and images (index cards) of town clerk transcriptions of births, marriages and deaths in Vermont through 1954. Indexing is ongoing, and additional records from 1955ââ¬â2008 will be added to the collection as they are completed.Vermont Death Records, 1909-2008 Paid subscription requiredName index and images of death certificates and amended death certificates issued in Vermont from 1955ââ¬â2008. Virginia Death Indexing - Virginia FreeA fully-searchable index to Virginia city and county death registers compiled 1853-1896, part of an on-going project sponsored by the Virginia Genealogical Society. Fifteen cities and counties have been indexed to date.Virginia Births and Christenings, 1853-1917 FreeAlmost 2 million names can be searched in this name index to birth, baptism and christening records from the state of Virginia. Online at Washington Washington State Archives - Birth Records, 1891ââ¬â1907 FreeThe Washington State Archives has begun to digitize the birth records in their collections and make them available online for free. Available birth records cover the period 1891ââ¬â1907 (birth records after 1907 are not open to the public) for most counties.Washington State Archives - Death Records, 1891ââ¬â1907 FreeThe Washington State Archives has begun to digitize the available death records in their collections and put them online for free. Available death records cover the period 1891ââ¬â1907. Post-1907 death records in Washington are not open to the public for research.Washington State Archives - Marriage Records, 1866-2002 FreeThese online marriage records include indexed, digitized images created by the Washington State Archives in a project to make the entire marriage series available from the beginning of marriage record keeping in 1866. The more current index records (approximately 1995 forward) ar e updated by partner Auditors on a periodic basis and may not include images. West Virginia West Virginia Vital Records Research Project FreeOne of the first states to start making vital records available online, West Virginia hosts indexes and images to birth and death records dating back to about 1853, and marriage records dating back to county formations. Records and time periods available vary by county. Wisconsin Wisconsin Genealogy Index FreeSearch for pre-1907 Vital Records, including birth, death, and marriage records, in this free online database of the Wisconsin Historical Society. Wyoming Wyoming Marriages, 1877-1920 FreeA free name index to approximately 14,000 marriage records from the state of Wyoming online at
Monday, May 11, 2020
Leadership Challenges in Diversity Essay - 1078 Words
Leadership Challenges in Diversity The article, ââ¬Å"Challenges of Leading a Diverse Workforce,â⬠by Janice R.W. Joplin and Catherine Daus, discusses research that suggests six challenging factors when promoting diversity in an organization, along with proposed solutions to those challenges. The six challenges include, the Change of Power Dynamics, Diversity of Opinions, Perceived Lack of Empathy, Tokenism, real and perceived, Participation, and Inertia (Joplin, Daus 1997). The challenges and solutions are discussed in relation to a continuum that consists of stages of intolerance, tolerance, and appreciation for diversity in the workplace. Each challenge is met with a solution involving required skills and attributes of a leader.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦I learned quickly that they were not at the appreciative stage, where acceptance of diverse views were not only accepted, but sought after, but perhaps closer to the stage of intolerance (Joplin Daus, 1997). All of the employees were female, of the same age, and same ethnicity. After time, as new processes were implemented, turnover occurred in management and staff. The authors stated that, ââ¬Å" As power is redistributed, doubts may emerge within the traditional constituencies about how they will fit in to the new organizationâ⬠(Joplin Daus, 1997). I observed this happening as the tenured associates were now becoming the minority as hiring needs increased. Their previous knowledge of how things were practiced no longer existed, and new talent was being trained under new management, creating uncertainty of status. The suggested solution from the article was to promote change by pairing diverse individuals together. In my case, it would have been a new associate mentored by a tenured associate. Admonition to not show favoritism to one group over another would help prevent resistance from other groups (Joplin Daus, 1997). Another solution to help foster change and diversity was to actively engage in teambuilding practices to become more acquainted with one another and promote ways in which to discover unique skills to benefit the team as a whole (Joplin Daus, 1997). A change of power can mean females becoming a greater percentage in theShow MoreRelatedDiversity Leadership And Diversity Challenges Faced By Companies And Institutions Of All Sizes2129 Words à |à 9 Pagesthere is an increasing focus on diversity leadership and diversity challenges faced by companies and institutions of all sizes. Chin and Trimble (2015) acknowledged that diversity has actually created the path to globalization; populations are evolving to being more heterogeneous and diversity issues are increasingly more global and diverse. Ewijk (2011) related diversity to differences between people, adding that there are three fundamental elements in defining diversity. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Comparison of Macbeth and Oedipus the King Essay
A Comparison of Macbeth and Oedipus Rex The objective of this essay is to compare the Shakespearian tragedy Macbeth to the Greek tragedy, Oedipus Rex. Although the plays share similarities, it will be seen that the fall of Macbeth is very different from that of Oedipus. Macbeths downfall is due to his own personal decisions while the downfall of Oedipus is due to fate and the will of the gods. In Greek tragedy plot was always emphasized over character; everyone wore masks. These masks would seem to mask a persons character. This would make the character seem more universal. The mask-wearing protagonist lacks individual personality and character. This makes catharsis more relevant because the protagonist is not asâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The Ancient Greeks experienced fears about life that we dont have. Oedipus wasnt portrayed as a butcher in Oedipus Rex but he did some very wrong deeds. We dont see him as a butcher because we know that it was not his fault but was all the doings of the gods. In Macbeths case it was not the will of the gods but Macbeths own decisions that caused him to do his terrible deeds. However, it might seem to us that Macbeth was an evil butcher but because of Shakespeares soliloquies we know Macbeths inner thought and we see him wrestling with his own guilt. This helps us to portray him as more of a man than just an evil butcher. Oedipus never does a soliloquy. This means that we dont really know the inner Oedipus or what he is thinking. He is just a pawn of fate and is not in control of his actions, it would seem, like Macbeth is. Macbeth kills people through his own controllable actions whereas Oedipus killed Liaus in an uncontrollable rage and didnt realize that he was actually the king of Thebes. Shakespeares soliloquies make us see that Macbeth is not really as bad on the inside as he may appear to be on the outside. The soliloquies let us see what Macbeth is thinking. In Macbeths Tomorrow and tomorrow... soliloquy, for example, we see how he is reflecting on how fickle life actually is. These are not the thoughts of an evil madman but a guilty and despairing human being. I think this is what makes Shakespeare such a good writer because he employsShow MoreRelated Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in Theory and Practice Essay2862 Words à |à 12 PagesMacbeth and Lady Macbeth in Theory and Practice à Shakespeares Macbeth has been the subject of scholarly research in terms of ambition, politics, and sexuality. The most predominant analysis is that of the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. This relationship in theory is full of sexual innuendo, maternal power, gender transgression, and violence. In reading multiple essays on the psychological nature of the relationship one question came to mind: to what extent are the charactersRead MoreEssay Prompts4057 Words à |à 17 Pageswork as a whole. Avoid mere plot summary. You may select a work from the list below or another novel or play of comparable literary merit. Alias Grace Middlemarch All the Kingââ¬â¢s Men Moby-Dick Candide Obasan Death of a Salesman Oedipus Rex Doctor Faustus Orlando Don Quixote A portrait of the Artist as a Young Man A Gesture Life Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead Ghosts The Scarlet Letter GreatRead More The Theme of Justice in The Crucible Essay3133 Words à |à 13 Pagestragedy. In Millerââ¬â¢s essay ââ¬ËTragedy and the Common Manâ⬠he explains how few tragedies are written because people do not want to read about what happens to kings and saints but how it relates to them and how events or situations effect common people. ââ¬Å"I believe that the common man is as apt a subject for tragedy in its highest sense as kings were.â⬠Miller gives a good example in ââ¬ËThe Crucibleââ¬â¢ with John, showing how anyone can be a hero. ââ¬Å"I think it is honest, I think so; I am no saintRead MoreAnalysis Of Shakespeare s The Tempest 2603 Words à |à 11 PagesShakespeare, they think of plays like Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth or Hamlet. One of the most influential plays written by Shakespeare is not one listed above. The play that reflects the life and all of Shakespeare?s plays is The Tempest. This work was and still is influential in both America, Britain and around the world. Although William Shakespeare was an influential writer in American and British literature, The Tempest reaches beyond a comparison to the new world- America and points to an autobiographicalRead MoreAmerican Literature11652 Words à |à 47 Pagesthey are not always (see below). Figurative Language Figurative language involves a comparison between two things--a literal term, or the thing being compared, and a figurative term, or the thing to which the literal term is being compared. As Perrine states, figurative language is a way of describing an ordinary thing in an un-ordinary way. Simile A simile is an explicit, or clear and direct, comparison between two things that are basically unalike using dead-giveaway words such as like
The Automotive Industry and Green Awareness Free Essays
After suffering massive market losses to foreign cars which were considered to be fuel efficient, American automotive industry has reawakened to the green awareness campaign advocated by consumers, which is represent the future of the industry. There has been increased call by the consumers for the American auto industry to develop cars which emits less green house gases to save the environment. The industry has responded by putting efforts on development of electric cars and hybrid plug-in in vehicles to adapt to the market needs and to sustain the growth of the economy. We will write a custom essay sample on The Automotive Industry and Green Awareness or any similar topic only for you Order Now Green technology presents the future and the American automotive industry must grow along this line to compete effectively in the market. With a large segment of their market lost to foreign automakers, the American auto industry and the government in general responded by taking measures to enforce a green auto industry. For example California passed a law which required 2% all the cars sold in the state to have zero emission which led to the development of the electric cars (Kilkenny, 2006). However, conspiracy between leading auto makers like Ford and the oil industry led to the mysteriously death of the car (Shnayerson, 2006). Realizing that the future of the auto industry is green, the industry has responded by investing in research and design which has seen the development of hybrid and plug-in hybrid cars, electric cars, lithium batteries which will support the future green auto industry, and various innovations in auto components. These inventions are likely to see the end of the use of gasoline powered engines which have been the leading environmental polluter. (Kaho, 2008) The future of the auto industry is green. In order to compete effectively with other auto makers in the world, and ensure the contribution to the industry to economic growth and sustainability American auto industry must continue with their efforts in the development of a green auto industry. (Globe, 2008) The auto industry green awareness is an important topic of concern to all Americans and the rest of the world. Our country is still the leading emitter of green house gases to the atmosphere and the auto industry has been one of the leading contributors to this emission. Reference: Globe, (2008): Future auto motive industry. Globe Foundation, March 2008 Kaho, T. (2008):à 2008 Washington Auto Show: Technology and green future. Kilkenny, N. (2006): Who killed Electric Car? Accessed from on 4th August 2008 Shnayerson, M. (2006): The Inside Story of GMââ¬â¢s Revolutionary Electric Vehicle. Random House publishers How to cite The Automotive Industry and Green Awareness, Essays
Deconstructing an accounting paradigm shift -
Question: Discuss about the Deconstructing an accounting paradigm shift. Answer: Part A: Impairment has a primary doctrine that an asset might not be carried on the balance sheet statement beyond the recoverable value, which is the greater of the fair value of the asset less cost to sell and value-in-use. The comparison between the carrying value and the recoverable value of the asset is made and the asset is impaired at the time the former is more than the latter (Bond, Govendir and Wells 2016). Any allocation of impairment is made to the asset at that point of time with the impairment loss realised in profit or loss. All assets subject to the review of impairment are tested for impairment, in which there is an indication that the asset might be impaired. However, there are different assets like infinite intangible assets and goodwill, which are tested for yearly impairment in the absence of any impairment indicator (Laing and Perrin 2014). The computation of recoverable amount is made at the individual asset level. However, an asset leads to cash flows independently of other assets and majority of the assets are tested for impairment in classes of assets explained in the form of cash-generating units (Linnenluecke et al. 2015). According to Paragraph 104 of AASB 136, the impairment loss for cash-generating unit (CGU) is realised, if the recoverable value related to the CGU is lower compared to the carrying amount of that CGU. The allocation of impairment loss is made for reducing the carrying value of the unit assets and they are followed sequentially in two steps. Firstly, the carrying amount of any goodwill apportioned to the cash-generating unit would be minimised and secondly, the other asset units pro-rata based on the carrying amount of each assets in the unit would be reduced. Such minimisations in carrying amounts need to be treated in the form of impairment losses on individual assets and they are to be realised with adherence to Paragraph 60 of AASB 136 (AASB 2014). Moreover, Paragraph 105 of AASB 136 states that for allocating impairment loss, an organisation need not minimise an assets carrying amount below the greater of three possible alternatives. These alternatives include fair value minus disposal costs, value-in-use and zero. The impairment loss amount, which would have been allocated differently to the asset, need to be allocated pro-rata to the other unit assets. Paragraph 106 of AASB 136 cites that it is not possible all the time to anticipate the recoverable amount associated with each individual asset of a cash-generating unit. Hence, this standard needs a random apportionment of impairment loss between the units assets except goodwill. This is because each asset of a cash-generating unit is involved in working together (Kabir, Rahman and Su 2017). Moreover, Paragraph 107 of AASB 136 denotes that in case, the recoverable amount associated with an individual asset is not ascertained, it might lead to two different situations. Firstly, an impairment loss is realised for the asset, in case; the carrying amount is higher in contrast to the fair value minus disposal cost and the outcomes of the procedures of allocation laid out in Paragraphs 104 and 105 of AASB 136 (AASB 2015). Secondly, the realisation of impairment loss is made for the asset, in case; the associated cash-generating unit is not impaired. This is applicable when the fair value of the asset less the disposal cost is lower in contrast to the carrying amount of that asset. For instance, a machine has encountered physical damage; however, it is still in working condition, even though the performance is not effective, as it was before. The fair value minus disposal cost of the machine is lower compared to its carrying amount. In addition, it does not fetch independent cash flows. The smallest identifiable class of assets including the machine along with fetching cash inflows independent of the cash inflows from other assets is the line of production to which the machine belongs. The recoverable amount related to the line of production depicts that such line is not impaired fully. In this case, two different assumptions could be made. The first assumption is that the forecasts or budgets that the management approved signify lack of commitment level of the management in replacing the machine. The machines recoverable amount could not be anticipated, as the value-in-use of the machine might vary from the fair value minus disposal costs and it could be ascertained for the CGU to which the machine belongs (Banker, Basu and Byzalov 2016). Hence, there is no realisation of impairment loss for the machine. Thus, it is necessary for the organisation to re-evaluate the period of depreciation or the method of depreciation related to the machine. It is recommended to the organisation to adopt shorter period of depreciation or faster method of depreciation for signifying the remaining life of the machine or the way in which the economic benefits are estimated to be consumed. The second assumption is that the forecasts or budgets that the management approved symbolise its commitment in replacing the machine by selling it in the upcoming years. The cash inflows from the continual usage of the machine until its disposal are projected to be little. In this case, the value-in-use of the machine could not be anticipated as close to the fair value minus cost of disposal. Hence, it is not possible to ascertain the recoverable amount associated with the machine (Zhuang 2016). Henceforth, there is absence of any consideration to the cash-generating unit, in which the machine belongs, which is the line of production. As the fair value less cost of disposal of the machine is lower in contrast to its carrying amount, an impairment loss is realised for the machine. Based on the above discussion, it could be inferred that when an impairment loss takes place in a CGU excluding goodwill, the loss is apportioned throughout all the assets in the CGU based on pro-rata, which is relative to the overall carrying amount of the CGU. Finally, the accounting of losses is carried out in the same way like that for the individual assets. Part B: References: AASB, C.A.S., 2014. Business Combinations.Disclosure,66, p.77. AASB, C.A.S., 2015. Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures. Banker, R.D., Basu, S. and Byzalov, D., 2016. Implications of Impairment Decisions and Assets' Cash-Flow Horizons for Conservatism Research.The Accounting Review,92(2), pp.41-67. Bond, D., Govendir, B. and Wells, P., 2016. An evaluation of asset impairments by Australian firms and whether they were impacted by AASB 136.Accounting Finance,56(1), pp.259-288. Kabir, H., Rahman, A.R. and Su, L., 2017. The Association between Goodwill Impairment Loss and Goodwill Impairment Test-Related Disclosures in Australia. Laing, G.K. and Perrin, R.W., 2014. Deconstructing an accounting paradigm shift: AASB 116 non-current asset measurement models.International Journal of Critical Accounting,6(5-6), pp.509-519. Linnenluecke, M.K., Birt, J., Lyon, J. and Sidhu, B.K., 2015. Planetary boundaries: implications for asset impairment.Accounting Finance,55(4), pp.911-929. Zhuang, Z., 2016. Discussion of An evaluation of asset impairments by Australian firms and whether they were impacted by AASB 136.Accounting Finance,56(1), pp.289-294.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Kevin Gilberts The New True Anthem free essay sample
In the critical response poem ââ¬Å"The New True Anthemâ⬠, 1988, Kevin Gilbert challenges the Australian public about our patriotism or lack thereof. With this poem Kevin Gilbert acknowledges the fact that there is not just one single opinion of what has happened to the beautiful land that was once home to many native Aboriginal tribes all over the country. Australiaââ¬â¢s sense of pride and admiration that is declared by Dorothea Mackellar in ââ¬Å"My Countryâ⬠is challenged and questioned by Kevin Gilbert. The issues explored in the bitter poem are a lack of patriotism for Australia and shame. A sense of apathy and lack of patriotism is illuminated for the audience by Gilbert in this poem as he criticises the Australian Public and Mackellar. The title itself, ââ¬Å"The New True Anthemâ⬠, begins the poem with a bitter and hostile tone. Using the word ââ¬Ëtrueââ¬â¢ Gilbert states his opinion from the very beginning with no feeling of remorse. We will write a custom essay sample on Kevin Gilberts The New True Anthem or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Gilbert uses this poem to patronise the Australian public and highlights how they have ruined a once great country. Mackellarââ¬â¢s poem paints Australia and Australians in an extremely positive light, Gilbert on the other hand writes what he believes to be the ââ¬Ëtrueââ¬â¢ meaning of what people have done to the country. The use of the diction ââ¬Ëloveââ¬â¢ subverts Mackellarââ¬â¢s intentions in ââ¬ËMy Countryâ⬠and throws it back in our faces. As the poem goes on Gilbert persuades readers away from Mackellarââ¬â¢s point of view and towards his own understanding and opinion of a sense of pride and patriotism. Shame and embarrassment is a feeling that is plastered all over this poem by Gilbert to emphasise his feelings and emotions when it comes to Australia. Throughout the poem Gilbert struggles to fathom how Australians have been able to ââ¬Ëpollute all the riversââ¬â¢, and ââ¬Ëgraffitiââ¬â¢ our home, Australia. The accumulative listing of crimes and appalling behaviour throughout the anthem highlights just how terrible things have gotten. ââ¬ËRacial murderââ¬â¢ refers to the stolen generation and how the Aboriginals were treated when Australia was first colonised. ââ¬ËA tyranny now rules your soulââ¬â¢ alludes to the fact that Australia is ruled by England and how our mother country came, claimed and conquered as they didnââ¬â¢t want to work alongside the Aboriginals, instead were against their ââ¬Ëbarbaric waysââ¬â¢. Gilbert states that all of ââ¬Ëthe beaches and the mountains are covered with your shameââ¬â¢. The use of ââ¬Ëyourââ¬â¢ in this line purposely makes this a personal attack on the Australian public and blatantly focuses on the fact that is it our fault that what was once a beautiful country has now be ruined. As he works to evoke a remorseful feeling from readers Gilbert adds a negative connotation to the poem by basically naming and shaming anything that we have done to our home, Australia Throughout ââ¬Å"The New True Anthemâ⬠Gilbert is judgemental and critical, however raises very true and important issues about Australia. With the effective use of poetic techniques and features Gilbert is able to create a thought provoking poem declaring important and concerning issues such as our apathy and lack thereof patriotism for our country and the shame that covers all ââ¬Ëthe beaches and the mountainsââ¬â¢. Gilbert is strictly opposed to ââ¬Ëwhat Dorothea has saidââ¬â¢ and uses this poem to confront Australians about the error of their ways.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Mode Of Production in Marxism
Mode Of Production in Marxism The mode of production is a central concept in Marxism and is defined as the way a society is organized to produce goods and services. It consists of two major aspects: the forces of production and the relations of production. The forces of production include all of the elements that are brought together in production ââ¬â from land, raw material, and fuel to human skill and labor to machinery, tools, and factories. The relations of production include relationships among people and peopleââ¬â¢s relationships to the forces of production through which decisions are made about what to do with the results. In Marxist theory, theà mode of production concept was used to illustrate the historical differences between different societies economies, and Karl Marx most commonly commented on Asiatic, slavery/ancient, feudalism, and capitalism. Karlà Marx and Economic Theory The ultimate end-goal of Marxs economic theory was a post-class society formed around principles of socialism or communism; in either case, the mode of production concept played a key role in understanding the means through which to achieve this goal. With this theory, Marx differentiated various economies throughout history, documenting what he called historical materialisms dialectical stages of development. However, Marx failed to be consistent in his invented terminology, resulting in a vast number of synonyms, subsets and related terms to describe the variousà systems. All of these names, of course, depended upon the means through which communities obtained and provided necessary goods and services to one another. Therefore relationships between these people became theà source of their namesake. Such is the case with communal, independent peasant, state, and slave while others operated from a moreà universalà or nationalà standpoint likeà capitalist, socialist and communist. Modern Application Even now, the idea of overthrowing the capitalist system in favor of a communist or socialist one that favors the employee over the company, the citizen over state, and the countryman over country, but its a hotly contested debate. To give context to the argument against capitalism, Marx argues that by its very nature, capitalism can be viewed as a positive, and indeed revolutionary, economic system whos downfall is its dependence on exploiting and alienating the worker.à Marx further argued that capitalism is inherently doomed to fail for this very reason: the worker would eventually consider itself oppressed by the capitalist and start a social movement to change the system to a more communist or socialist means of production. However, he warned, this would occur only if a class-conscious proletariat organized successfully to challenge and overthrow the domination of capital.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Book Awards Open to Self-Published Books
Book Awards Open to Self-Published Books Book awards have made great strides in broadening eligibility rules to allow authors to submit self-published books. When I first began collecting information about awards for published books, many of them only accepted submissions and nominations from publishers themselves. This has changed. The following is a list of some of the many book awards that are open to self-published authors. Some of the awards are limited to authors writing in specific genres, while others have a regional focus. North Street Book Prize Winning Writers recently announced it is sponsoring the North Street Book Prize, aimed at recognizing outstanding self-published books. Categories for this first year are Mainstream/Literary Fiction, Genre Fiction, and Creative Nonfiction. The cost is $50.00 per entry, and the winner in each category will receive $1,500 plus a variety of marketing services. Two honorable mentions in each category will receive $250. All contestants receive a selection of helpful guides for publishing and promotion. The Foreword Reviews INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards Accepts self-published books in more than 60 categories/genres, including Fantasy, Humor, Travel, Juvenile Fiction, Picture Books, and True Crime. The early-bird entry fee is $79, plus two copies of the book, for each category in which the book is entered. The top three winners in each category receive publicity and can order stickers to put on their books. Monetary awards are given to one best ââ¬Å"fictionâ⬠and one best ââ¬Å"nonfictionâ⬠book. The Eric Hoffer Award for Independent Books Offers awards in several writing categories, including Poetry, General Fiction, E-book Fiction, and E-book Nonfiction, as well as categories Debut-litzer Prizes The literary non-profit organization Late-Night Library sponsors the Debut-litzer Prizes for a first work of fiction or poetry. Submissions are accepted from authors or publishers, and self-published works are eligible, provided the work is the ââ¬Å"firstâ⬠in the genre Thorpe Menn Literary Excellence Award Presented American Book Awards The Before Columbus Foundation sponsors the American Book Awards, which has no restrictions on self-published books. It is open to anyone, and there are no categories; awardees are selected solely based on literary excellence. The cost to enter is two copies of the book. While there is no monetary prize, award winners are formally recognized at a ceremony, and are given publicity through the Before Columbus Foundation website. Other awards include the Minnesota Book Awards (, the Brockman-Campbell Book Award (, the Lambda Literary Awards (, and the Hurston/Wright Legacy Award ( Although these do not have restrictions on self-published books, other eligibility requirements may apply. Please refer to award websites for complete and updated information, as well as details on entry deadlines.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Hamlet (Shakespeare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Hamlet (Shakespeare - Essay Example To begin with, the private life of King Claudius is revealed through his relationship with his brother, the former king. The ghost of King Hamlet informs to Prince Hamlet that Claudius had killed the former king by pouring poison into his ears. From the ghostââ¬â¢s visit to prince Hamlet we get to know that Claudius, the king of Kingdom of Denmark, has a dark private life that very few people if any, knows about. Killing his own brother and taking both his (the brotherââ¬â¢s) wife and kingdom is a dark part of his life that he would not want to expose to the public whatsoever. This may explain why when he realizes that Prince Hamlet knows about it, he strives to have him killed by all means. Though he is the king, Claudiusââ¬â¢ relationship with his nephew, Prince Hamlet, brings him out as being fearful. When he realizes the bitterness Prince Hamlet holds against him for killing King Hamlet, he fears for his life and skims to have the prince assassinated. Claudius sends the prince to England on a faked diplomatic mission but in the real sense, he is sending Hamlet to his death as he reveals, when left alone. This brings out the personal fears that the public figures have, especially emanating from their previous dubious acts. Another prominent public figure in the play is Prince Hamlet. The way the prince relate to Laertes, his potential brother in law, brings him out as a gullible character. As much as he knows that Laertes perceives him as the cause of the death of both his father and sister, he still proceeds to fence with him. Horatios warnings against tacking part in the match hit a bricked wall since he could not think of the plot that Laertes could have to kill him. As a result, he is stubbed and killed by a poisoned spear. Similarly, the prince is quit unstable in his decisions and perceptions. When his fatherââ¬â¢s ghost first appeared to him, he believed that the ghost was honest and reliable. However, he later doubts the ghost and takes
Monday, February 3, 2020
Capital Punishment Why The South Is So Dirty Research Proposal
Capital Punishment Why The South Is So Dirty - Research Proposal Example Ironically, it has come at a time when the president of the country is an African-American who was thought to have been elected without the intervention of color, race or ethnic origin. This is somewhat manifest in two households in Orangeburg, South Carolina. The white Bolen family has antique wooden clocks on the wall. Coca-cola memorabilia decorate the house. They did not watch when President Obama delivered his health-care speech on television because they believe he is a liar. The congressman representing them is Joe Wilson, the Obama heckler. Some blocks away is the Elmore home where a portrait of civil rights movement activist Martin Luther King, Jr. is prominent. Obama campaign keepsakes are all around one of which says "Yes, We Did." The Elmore family is black; so is their representative in congress, James E. Clyburn, a top ranking Democrat who initiated the moves to punish Wilson for the heckling. Orangeburg appears to be booming and is attractive to investors. In one fundr aiser for a local technical school, people were talking about race. One state senator opined that Joe Wilson's inappropriate misdeed had nothing to do with race. This local legislator who made the comment about Wilson is a white but is supported by both black and white voters. (Tucker, Philip. In S.C., One Road Divides Two Ways of Thinking. September 22, 2009. The Washington Post. [internet]. With the above-cited circumstances, it is not easy to answer any question pertaining to whether or not there is a racist divide in the south or whether or not there is bias against the blacks in that part of the United States. This can be a more particular concern if the subject of analysis is capital punishment which involves the fate of human life. Capital punishment is not imposable in all the states of America. Even in those jurisdictions where there is a statutory provision for the death penalty, carrying it out is rare. A look at the number of executions will give a preliminary guide. Thirty seven convicts were executed in 2008 in nine states broken down according to location as follows - Texas 18 Virginia 4 Georgia 3 South Carolina 3 Florida 2 Mississippi 2 Ohio 2 Oklahoma 2 Kentucky 1 Of the aforementioned thirty seven, twenty (20) or fifty four per cent (54%) were white and seventeen (17) or forty six per cent (46%) were black. All of them were men. All of the nine states included above except for Ohio are situated in the south or in the nearest south. As of the end of the year 2006, there were 3,233 prisoners with pending death sentences in thirty five (35) states and the federal prison system while there were only 3,220 such prisoners as of the end of 2007. That is a reduction of thirteen (13) prisoners under sentence of death. The United States Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976. On record from that time until date, more than
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Main Barriers Sustainable Development Developing Countries Initiatives Overcome Economics Essay
Main Barriers Sustainable Development Developing Countries Initiatives Overcome Economics Essay Any country whose standard of living is at a low level is referred to as a developing country. Development level varies from country to country thus cannot be generalized in meaning. Using numerical categorization, Countries with low and middle income have been categorized as developing by the World Bank. Dividing economies with the 2008 Gross National Income per capita (GNI), developing countries were identified by GNI per capital below $11 905. Countries having progressive economies but which have not attained a particular standard to be referred to as developed country are categorized as Newly Industrialized Country (NIC). Such countries are said to have rapid growth in their economy but have still not reached the standard of the First World, these are highly developed countries (see Almost all countries of the third world can be categorized as developing, they including all African countries excluding South Africa, all countries in the Middle East excluding Turkey, all Asian countries excluding China, Japan, Singapore, Russia, Taiwan India, Myanmar and South Korea, some countries in Eastern Europe, Southern American countries excluding Brazil and the Caribbean excluding Jamaica and Cuba. File:World Bank income groups.svg Fig1: Countries based on World Bank income groupings for 2006 (calculated by GNI per capita, Atlas method). à à High income à à Upper-middle income à à Lower-middle income à à Low income Source: Sustainable Development Sustainable development as defined in 1987 in a report by Brundtland is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs. (Hecht, 1999) Sustainable development as an aspiration is global; as an ongoing process, it is local. A growing number of scientists and technologists share in the aspiration and experiment with the local (Mabogunje and Kates, 2004). For sustainable development to be achieved, especially in developing countries, some stages have to be undergone; it is also necessary for essential building blocks to be implemented. The economic, social and environmental factors have to be considered in a transparent and open manner. In many developing countries, the fundamental building blocks, such as a free-market economy, transparency of government operations, public access to information, public involvement in decision making, and enforcement of environmental laws, are weak or absent. Although some developing countries are strengthening domestic policies and regulations and creating economic policy incentives for attracting environmentally sound investment, progress is slow and uneven. (Hecht,1999). Barriers Developing countries have less sustainable livelihoods today than they had 25 years ago. The issue of sustainable development involves making sure that the ongoing development does not affect future generation. Some of the following issues contribute to the low sustainability level in developing countries: Extreme Poverty Poverty is the most prominent barrier to development in developing countries. Almost all population found in these countries live in rural settlements and depend on agriculture as their main source of income. Poverty and the environment have a strong connection especially in countries with economies that depend on natural resources. For people in these countries to meet their needs, they engage in local activities such as tree cutting for fuel wood, wild life hunting (leading to extinction), extensive and excessive farming system and so on. These activities are carried out to meet the needs of today but the repercussions await the future generations. Deforestation Intense farming and deforestation in South America has left some areas with only 5% of natural vegetation. If this trend continues, there might be little or nothing left to pass to the future generations. Africa had about 650 million hectares of woodlands and forests but between 1990 and year 2000, about 53 million hectares of forest was lost (Africare speech, 2008). In respect to the global forest loss, this was about 56% in that period. Deforestation has a resultant effect on protection of soils, the land is more exposed to adverse conditions like erosion and evaporation, also quality of water is affected by deforestation. All these will invariably tell on the production and economy of countries involved. Urban Development Urban areas in developing countries are expected to be more populated majorly because of migration. However this comes with a great environmental challenge. A good number of urban dwellers either inhabit slum areas or carve a slum-niche for themselves simply because they do not have legal rights to own their properties. Slum conditions lack good, portable water, electricity and other basic amenities of life. The issue of waste disposal in slum areas is usually carelessly handled, this poses as a threat to health and safety of slum dwellers. It is not a surprise to use plastic bags as mobile toilets in some large slums like Kibera, Nairobis largest slum. Also, because of the nature of these areas, there is increase in miscreants among juveniles. This has a direct negative effect on young adults who are supposed to be leaders of tomorrow. This is where the effect of the environment on the social life of individuals comes in to play. Some shanty areas in Nigeria have in recent times produced the highest number of notorious young adults. Urbanization in developing countries results in very large population inhabiting very small area, polluted water and air, poor public transport among other things. These environmental conditions lead to low standard of living in these areas. In South America, urban population is found in settlements called squatter, Brazil having favelas while Venezuela has barrios. Caracas is known to have over 50% population living in squatters. These squatters are usually made from scrap and cardboard materials in areas that are prone to flooding or steep areas. After a while, the construction is upgraded with better materials but the settlements remain in an irregular network with small paths and streets, there is usually no plan for waste management, drainage or water supply. The Asian continent among others is not left out in urbanization issues. Bangladesh, a country in Asia has had an increase in urban poverty in recent times. In Dhaka city alone, from 1974 to 2005 slum population has jumped from 250,000 to 2,840,000 during the span of little over 3 decades (Haider, 2008). During these decades, the number of slums also increased from 500 to 4,300. While slum population has increased by more than 11 times the number of slums has increased 8.6 times during this period. The causes for the increase of slum population are certainly complex. However, the major aspect is again related to the lack of well paying jobs in urban areas. There are also cases of downward mobility in urban areas of urban dwellers themselves. Although Bangladesh has been able to reduce urban poverty to some extent, there are pockets of chronic poverty in slums that seem very hard to overcome. (Haider,2008). Nairobi, Kenya: Sixty per cent of the citys people live in slum areas. Source: Impact of Industrial Waste The process of obtaining non-renewable materials from natural resources has an adverse effect on the environment. A good example is Nigeria, a developing country in West Africa. The Niger Delta environment has been polluted by oil spills and flares from gas for over half a century. A target was set forth to put a stop to flaring of gas but this seems to be unachievable with the trend of events. Mine sites which are no longer in use in some parts of Africa contribute to the nuisance that the environment is becoming. In general, mineral and oil exploration contribute to water pollution (which also causes death of organisms in water), contaminated soil, Developing countries will continue to have great challenge in attaining sustainable development if the current approach to extraction of resources is not addressed. Effect of Climate Change on Environment Africa as a continent has so many developing countries. Studies from the IPCC (Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change) show that this continent is more prone to the impact of climate change than any other part of the world. Some of the effects of climate change include less rainfall in areas already experiencing dryness like the southern and eastern parts, and increased drought in north central Africa. It is also predicted that by 2025 (Africare speech,2008), western African countries will experience scarcity of water, such countries like Ghana, Burkina Faso, Benin Republic, Mauritania, Nigeria e.t.c. While other issues are more pressing and getting better attention from African leaders (such issues as malaria, HIV AIDS, poverty, starvation e.t.c), to sustain the future generation, Africa has to be fully at alert and address the issue of climate change peculiar to its environment. In other areas, climate change may cause flooding in contrast to its effect in these countries. In South America for instance, climate change has an effect on their environment which in essence has a multiplier effect on planning for growth. La Plata River basin which is the fifth largest river in the world generates about 50% of South Americas Gross National Product (GNP) and five countries share boundaries with this river- Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. The effect of climate change in this river basin has affected the economy and as a result its population. Flow in this region has been 30% greater since 1970 than in previous time. This is in contrast to the average rainfall before 1970 and below average rainfall afterwards in sub-Saharan Africa (Africare speech, 2008). Corruption Corruption is a major barrier to sustainable development in every country that it exists. It steals from todays children the resources they will need to survive tomorrow. There is a direct link between underdevelopment and corruption. The former encourages the latter. A good scenario is the public service low income in developing countries, this stimulates trivial corruption. The level of education and enlightenment in these countries also put people in ignorance of their statutory rights, thereby giving room for corrupt individuals. Initiatives to Overcome Barriers The discussion about initiatives to overcome barriers to sustainable development in developing countries will not be justified without mentioning the millennium development goals (MDGs). The MDGs were initiated in September 2000 during the United Nations Summit. These goals are eight in number and they break down into quantifiable targets that are 21 in number, they are also measured by 60 indicators. They include the following: Extreme poverty and hunger eradication Universal primary education for all Encourage women empowerment and gender equality Reduce death rate of children Improve maternal health Fight against diseases especially malaria and HIV/AIDS Implement sustainable development Develop a global partnership for development These goals were created having developing countries in mind as the issues addressed are mostly concerned with them. However, the indicators for these goals show that they have not been effectively implemented locally and globally, they also show that the time frame given to them will not be realistic. Over the years, developing countries have recognized the importance of environmental management and sustainability and there have been initiatives peculiar to each country and situation to enhance this. Some of those initiatives include establishing Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). NGOs have gained reputation especially internationally as they are consulted on matters of planning and implementation of policies made at national and international levels. Examples of such include Global Volunteer Network, Cross-Cultural Solutions, Conserve Africa, Africa Guide, Action for Agricultural Renewal in Maharashtra (AFARM), Conservation Council for South Australia to mention a few. NGOs offer a clearer perspective and a wealth of experience in relevant areas such as human right defense, environmental protection, grassroots development, poverty alleviation, e.t.c. To thrive in their activities, these organizations should work alongside the government by participating in development, planning policies and decision making at the various levels of administration. However, since they are voluntary, availability of funds for NGOs might pose a slight challenge and they sometimes have to depend on funds from large hearted individuals. Other initiatives include creating anticorruption agencies. Since corruption impedes development at all levels of government, countries have created such agencies to check corrupt practices, examples include Office of Anti-Corruption Commission Bhutan (Asia), Independent Authority Against Corruption- Mongolia ( Asia), Anti- Corruption Commission- Bangladesh (Asia), Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission -Kenya (Africa), Independent Corrupt Practices Commission Nigeria (Africa), War Against Indiscipline and Corruption- Nigeria (Africa), Kick Against Indiscipline- Nigeria (Africa), e.t.c These are just a few as there have been numerous organizations at different levels of government that function in this regard. However, as many as these appear to be, the issue of corrupt practices still rear their head. When caught in the act and asked, culprits sometimes blame the economy and government but those are just the ones who are brought to book, top citizens who have connections in high places are usually seen as above the law. This falls back to having good leadership in developing countries as well as citizens having the right attitude, without these, corruption will still find its way in these countries and the efforts of these organizations will not be justified. For every country, the children are the future leaders; good education for them is a very important factor for development. Some efforts have been made by countries and their governments to develop the minds of youngsters educationally, there have been schemes to sponsor students abroad to acquire various skills and knowledge so as to implement and integrate these skills once back home. Recently, the Federal Government of Nigeria awarded 1,087 undergraduate and postgraduate Nigerian students scholarship to study locally. There have also been organizations (PTF-Petroleum Trust Fund) that sponsor student abroad for studies from Nigeria. Other scholarship boards in other countries include Integrated Community Development Fund (ICDF) in Bolivia, Banque Libano Francaise in Lebanon and a host of others in other countries. This initiative has a very slow but steady growth in various developing countries. Other countries simply affiliate themselves with foreign government and bodies to get n ecessary support. Conclusion Since each developing country has its own government and ruling council, initiatives for achieving sustainable development in these countries differ, this is also because apart from the challenges listed above, some countries have challenges that are peculiar in nature to their environment, society and economy. In this regard, these countries tend to lean towards initiatives which particularly address their peculiar problems. Coming up with initiatives is one thing, implementing those initiative is another. In my belief, the latter is more important than the former. To achieve sustainable development, developing countries must make conscious efforts to implement the existing initiatives while looking to create new ones. Lastly, achieving sustainable development in developing countries takes a gradual (not magical) process; levels of achievements can only be measured with indicators periodically. It is up to every individual to contribute in little ways to achieve a nation and global sustainable environment for the future generation.
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